Post Shoot Reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 4 prompts (Square, Metal, Happy, Bowie)?
The challenges I encountered were that when I wanted to shoot a photo that represented the 4 prompts, I saw other people doing the same exact thing I was going to do so I had to brainstorm what they meant to me.
2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.
What I thought about the most was trying to thing of something creative. An example would be coming up for the prompt metal, I picked up a chain off the ground, held it up next to my camera lens, and focused on the part the was nearest to me.

3. How did you find yourself changing to accommodate the rules of composition we discussed before you show?
I had to change the angle I held my camera and kept in mind the tules of composition.

4. Finally - go back and edit your blogs with the 4 photos (square, metal, happy, Bowie), tell me what rules of composition (which you just learned about) did you end up actually achieving? Did you have any?
I achieved The Rule of Thirds and Simplicity.

5. Are you interested in shooting those same prompts again, why?

Yes because there are so many different ways to make one photo so much more interesting.

6. List 3 prompts you think would be fun to shoot.

3 prompts that would be fun to shoot would be Saturday, Sunglasses, and Graceful.

7. What are 2 positive things about their photos and 1 thing that can be improved on? 
2 positive things about her photos were that in the metal picture it also reflects lines in a curve against the metal, and in the Bowie picture it's zoomed in on what's closest to the lens and it shows light at the top of the stairs. 1 thing that could be improved would be how in the happy photo, the flower is cut off and dark which makes me think of sadness.


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