Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. What are some of the main points you read about in the website regarding manipulating images (
Some main points the website had regarding manipulating images were that now photoshopping images into what we want has become easy with having video tutorials and apps helping to make it easier, and newspaper companies give guidelines to their photographers for editing the photographs.

2. What is the philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times regarding image manipulation?
The Washington Post and the New York Times give their photographers guidelines on changing the photo and they can't change the colors or change the photo in a way that the photo tells a different story from the original photograph.

3. What do you think are acceptable things you could do to an image and not cross the line unto an unethical manipulation?
I think cropping something or someone that is unnecessary from the photo is acceptable. For example, if you were taking a photo of a crowd of people and there was someone just standing in the distance that didn't fit in with the photo and you couldn't take another photo for some reason then you can take them out.

4. Why is this photo more unethical?
This photo is more unethical because the Time magazine made OJ Simpson appear darker and scary. Also, Time was telling a lie by altering the image while Newsweek had the actual photo which shows him as more brown.

5. Why is this photo less unethical?
This photo is less unethical because Benito Mussolini wanted to look strong and heroic. Also, if this was for a movie and the actor or actress didn't know how to handle a horse and wanted a horse handler on the set to help but not in the photo to tell a story about that person then that is less unethical.


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