Academic Shoot Preview (2018 Winners)

The Story

In this photo, you can see the butterfly with a flower at the top of the photo and how amazed the two people in the photo look. The story I think this is trying to tell is that there are two people who are in a botanical garden with butterflies going around. Also, it is telling us that they are so into this experience they are having. They get to see different plants and butterflies of many colors and shapes. The also get to see the butterflies get nectar from the flowers.

Action and Emotion

In this photo, you can see the girl running under a big tarp that others are holding above their heads. You can also see how the girl is kind of hopping while running. Everyone is smiling and laughing from having fun and doing the activity together. They are probably cracking jokes while doing the activity also. While playing the game, they are probably laughing because everyone is laughing, smiling, and having a great time.

Filling the Frame

In this photo, the fire is filling the frame of the photo. The brightness of the fire lights up some of the dark room but, it is still semi- dark. Also, the fire is big and go in different directions. You can see how the photographer tried to get just the guy and the fire. You can also see how it looks like the fire is pushing the darkness of the room to the edges of the photo.


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