
Showing posts from 2019

Tiny Planet

Abandoned Building Planet Graffiti Planet

Forced Perspective Shoot


Portfolio Analysis: How Judges Pick Winning Portfolios And Sports Photos

Part 1: Portfolios 1. Watch 4 of the 11 Runner-up videos, and answer the following: Video #1 a. Name of photographer - Sam Adam b. General focus of portfolio (photojournalism, sports, stories, etc.)- Stories c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio -  1. The composition in some of the photos weren't good.  2. Some photos didn't make sense and didn't tell a story. 3. Some photos had a bad angle at which they were taken.  d. List two things the judges like-   1. They liked the silhouettes. 2. They liked how simple and creative some photos were. e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? I liked some of their silhouettes but I didn't know what the pint of some of the pictures were. I couldn't see the story behind it. Video #2 a. Name of photographer - Travis Haughton b. General focus of portfolio (photojournalism, sports, stories, etc.)- Health c. List th...

HDR Preview

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image? You have to change the shutter speed to get lightest light and darkest dark. 2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image? A camera, tripod, and HDR photo- blending software. 3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image? To make a photo that is dream- like and to make their photos less simple looking. 4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo? It's more well- lit and colorful.

Merger Preview

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully. The lines of the fence, her shadow, and her hair is everywhere. 2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus? Take the pictures by the color guard hall. 3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours? I could be high fiving myself, or doing a backflip, or leap. 4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo? I could wear something that isn't flowy and I could wear something that is tighter to me.

Landscape Preview

1. Where is one place on the internet you might go to better prepare yourself for the location you are shooting at? Google Maps. 2. What is one app you might download to help you when trying to pick the best angle to take landscape photos? Photographer's Ephemeris. 3. What is the biggest problem shooting with a zoom or telephoto lens? You won't get the effect you want to get. 4. Instead of using the HDR method you learned in my class, what is another technique the website suggest would be acceptable for compensating for sky and ground? ND grad filter. 5. List three things you should always carry in case of bad weather. 1. Waterproof plastic bag 2. Cleaning cloths 3. Microfiber towel 6. Why would pre-scouting help you when shooting? Figure out where you would want to shoot. 7. Is subject or composition more important in landscape photography, WHY? It's not that important because if you try to use the rules of composition then it makes your photos simple and boring. 8...

Car Raid Preview

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)? My friend, Grace. 2. When will you do this car raid? On Wednesday, April 23rd, after school. 3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview? When did you get this car? Why did you get this specific car? Who do you drive around in this car? How often do you drive your car? 4. What kind of details should you expect to write down to help advance the story line? What the car looks like (model, color, brand). What's in the car. What the person does in their day to day lives.

Merger Photo




Student Of The Month Story

The student of the month is a new tradition at Bowie High school. Where every month, one student gets recognized for their outstanding work in the classrooms. This month, Grace Johnson got chosen as student of the month by her teachers. When Johnson found out she got student of the month, she was ecstatic and smiling the whole day. “I couldn’t believe I was chosen. It’s so great that all my hard work paid off in the end,” Johnson said. Johnson struggled with Algebra, but was able to pull through and get straight A’s in all her classes. She asked for help from her teachers whenever she needed help. “I think it’s always a great thing when a student gets up the courage to ask for help,” says Biology teacher, Mr. Damman. Johnson had to give up her free time to study every night and during the weekends. She also had to turn down requests to go places with her friends. “I had to focus on my homework and studies. I had to put school before having fun,” Johnson said. She ...


Step by Step Charts Infogram

School Uniforms

Could ask the principal, teachers and students. Ask the principal Why did you put in uniforms? What will they look like? What made you think of this? Will we have to pay for the uniforms? How much will they cost?

Graffiti Photos


Architecture Preview #2

La Pedrera, Spain Nautilus House, Mexico National Centre for the Performing Arts, China The UFO House, Taiwan Guggenheim Museum, Spain

Inverted Pyramid


Student of the Month Interview

20 questions 1. Which school tradition are you most proud of? This tradition of doing student of the month. 2. Would students be more productive if cell phones were banned during school hours?  Depends if its all day or during class. 3. What’s your favorite school lunch?  Salad. 4. Should the school have (or keep) vending machines?  Yes. 5. Do you think kids going off campus for lunch is a good idea? If they're responsible. 6. Do you think participation in extracurricular activities should be required by the school?  Yes but it can be outside of school. 7. If you were given an unlimited budget to throw an event for the school, what would you plan? C arnival day. 8. Are there enough foreign language options? If not, what would you like to see added? There are enough. 9. What project or assignment challenged you the most as a student? Math project. 10. What was the most enjoyable book you had to read for school this year? Everything, Everything. 11. Which s...

Architecture Shoot

 Angles and Shapes  Details  Light  Patterns Surroundings

Architecture Preview #1

La Pedrera, Spain 1. Who is the architect? The architect is Antonio Gaudi. 2. When was it built? It was built in 1912. 3. Where is it located? It's located in Barcelona, Spain. 4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit the building. 5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? There's no information on how much it cost to build. 6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? The building was inspired by the Modernista movement. 7. Why did you pick this building?  I picked this building because I saw how the exterior was wavy and it drew my attention. I also liked how there were so many different floors to accommodate for different space. I thought it was interesting how the whole building was like a big piece of art. Most buildings just have a cool structure, while this building is like art all through out. Nautilus House, Mexico 1. Who is the architect? The architect is  Javier Senosia...

Sensory Overload

1. What do you think about this statement? I think part of the statement is true that environment isn't just about where we live and everything. Do you agree or disagree? I agree with the statement. As an aspiring photographer how does this make you feel about your photography? I feel like my photography is dark and not super bright and vibrant. 2. When you looked through the images, did you want to visit this place and take your camera? Yes so I could get more colors and take more photos that are more flashy. 3. What do you think it would be like to be the child of someone who worked at this place? I think it would be so cool to go there everyday and just but grabbed in by all the colors. 4. Describe your favorite photo to me. On every wall there were teddy bears and stuffed animals. There was so many different stuffed animals of different colors, shapes, sizes, and characters. There was also stuffed animals hanging from the ceiling.

Lit Mag Photos

To Be Seen The Black Hole The Sun Shines Down On The Darkened Earth